Contributor Intros / Club Application

This category is for storing bio’s of all those who have been accepted to the group.

If you are interested in being considered for membership to the club:

  1. check of the examples of other member’s “Contributor Bios” (topics in this category)
  2. Please fill out all fields in square brackets in the following form and message to @therealchuckb - from there your application will be reviewed by the council of mods (lol), and if approved, you will be alerted, and your form answers will be posted to this category as a topic.

Hey! I’m [your name here]

Creative Interests
[subjects of interest, e.g. music, art, video, etc]

Creative Goals
[kind of a mission statement - what do you wanna improve at?]

Favorite Tools
[software, hardware, art supplies, whatever]

[extremely brief description / links to any projects you have online
and don’t worry if you don’t have any!!!
“Chucky Baby” (Breakcore / Hardcore Music Project):]

[Country, State / City]